Mamanda’s oral literature in Indonesia: Review of the form and function of humor through a pragmatic perspective
Pragmatic, Humour, MamandaAbstract
This research was conducted for eight months on the island of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study examines Mamanda. Mamanda is a traditional South Kalimantan theater that still survives in the global era. Mamanda is liked because it is rich in humor that can entertain the entire audience and relieve fatigue because it can invite laughter. However, if it is interpreted more deeply, humor has a pragmatic function that it wants to convey to its listeners. Therefore, this study examines more deeply the function of humor in Mamanda. This study aims to describe the form and function of humor in Mamanda. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study, in the form of a recording of Mamanda's performance, played at the Mamanda Parade, a series of events to commemorate the anniversary of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. The informants in this study consisted of twenty people with different backgrounds, all of whom were players who played an active role in the show. The research method used is descriptive qualitative to describe the results in detail using a series of clear sentences. The results showed that there were four types of humor in mamanda, namely, language humor, behavioral humor, gossiping humor, and pornographic humor. The functions of humor are as a function of advising, a function of criticism, a function of satire, and a function of tolerance.
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