An augmented reality supported participatory web platform to track eastern Anatolian caravanserais




Digital caravanserais, virtual cultural heritage, augmented reality (AR), participatory platform, crowdsourcing


The focus of this research is digital heritage in emergence. This study deals with how to use digital media tools to collect information about caravanserais (khans) to digitise lost heritage attributes. The study involved researchers compiling information about these caravanserais from references, and digitally mapping   and generating identification tags based on the information in the sources. The researchers generated an online platform for information dissemination, consisting of the projection augmented model of the khans, and participatory web archive platform for crowdsourcing information. The interaction with users through the augmented representation and participation are the main features of this study, which represents a proposal for a method of interactive digital archiving. The digital khans can be exhibited in a virtual museum, or to be used as a database for those wishing to explore vanished heritage. The digital archiving project contributes to knowledge generation in placemaking using digital mediums and methods.


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Author Biographies

Gulce Kirdar, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


Özgün Balaban, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Adjunct Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation)

Guzden Varinlioglu, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Fulbright Visiting Scholar (Architecture)


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How to Cite

Kirdar, G., Kocer Ozgun, F. N., Balaban, Özgün, & Varinlioglu, G. (2023). An augmented reality supported participatory web platform to track eastern Anatolian caravanserais. Herança, 6(1), 129–142.



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