Game design at the art museum: The Nubla case of educathyssen
video games, museum education, visual art, museum studies, game studiesAbstract
The article discusses one of the main projects of the Education Department of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum (Madrid/ES). Nubla: Laboratorio de Arte, Educación y Videojuegos is a project designed in 2013, which took shape between 2015-2017, and is still active to this day. In this paper, I sought to understand what defines Nubla and how the project differs from the video games previously created by EducaThyssen (2001-). The methods used were: exploratory research (in the institution's online platforms), and bibliographic review. First, the article contextualizes and briefly describes the Nubla. Then, it discusses how this laboratory explores the language of video games, the game design process, and the development of media products. EducaThyssen works in collaborative dynamics, carried out with young audiences and in partnership with universities and companies in the video game industry. Finally, the article analyzes Nubla based on the concepts "active visitor" (1998) and "post-museum" (2000) by Eilean Hooper-Greenhill; and "communicative ecosystem" (2004) and "plural museum" (2000) by Jesús Martín-Barbero. It concludes that Nubla actively contributes to the transformation of practices and values, not only in the world of museums but also in the fields of art, education, and the video game industry.
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