The Regenerated Role of Museums in Addressing Migration: A Focus on Turkish Museums
Museology, Inclusivity, Participation, Sustainability, Migration MuseumAbstract
The latest definition of museum holds museums responsibility for carrying out museology with ethical and professional understanding, taking into account the participation of the society through sustainability. Sustainability focuses on practices such as being active in environmental action, preventing social isolation, developing inclusive policies and practices, and maintaining mental health. Museums frequently choose difficult subjects in order to fulfill the condition of creating meaning by using the concepts of identity, race, multiculturalism, inclusion, participation, migration and diversity. The immigrant-refugee debate is discussed together with ecological, economic and political deadlocks under the title of sustainability as the primary challenge of our time. The global dynamics of migration, and ethnic conflicts have led migration museums to place this phenomenon at the center of social life in multicultural countries of Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. Migration is the subject of many museums; however, the purpose of migration museums is to focus on this phenomenon from different perspectives at the center. The migration museum aims to present a greater understanding of how migration shapes societies. It works closely with diverse communities to ensure and present their stories and contributions and aims to highlight the encouraging contributions of migrants, challenge misconceptions and stereotypes, and promote a more informed conversation about this phenomenon. This study questions the ways of using exhibitions and activities to discuss the differences and prejudices in the handling of the migration, through the concepts addressed in the new museum definition, based on the latest examples of migration museums in Türkiye.
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