About the Journal


Herança – History, Heritage and Culture Journal is a quarterly journal dedicated to the plurality of themes involving History, Heritage and Culture. It will cover the various strands of knowledge with special emphasis on History, Archeology, Architecture, Art History, Theory of Art, Museology and Museography, Curatorial Studies, Heritage Inventory and Safeguarding, Heritage Sciences, Conservation and Restoration, Management and Studies of Culture and Cultural Tourism. In order to disseminate studies supported by broad and multidisciplinary perspectives, which stand out for their quality and originality, scientific articles will be published in Portuguese or English, aimed at researchers and professionals in the area of Social and Human Sciences in the World.

Heritage is a privileged platform for young and senior researchers, as well as university students and planners. It publishes in Portuguese as well as in English. Each article includes the title, abstract and keywords in both languages.

Published twice a year, it offers immediate and free open access to its content, following the principle that scientific knowledge is freely available based on scientific social responsibility and knowledge transfer to society.

The quality control of submitted manuscripts is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief, the Deputy Editor and/or the Scientific Council and at least one double, and blind, peer review, or by open peer review.

Herança is indexed in the scientific platforms:

Web Of Science - ACCESS; DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals - ACCESS; Crossref -ACCESS; Directory of Research Journals Indexing - ACCESS; Google Scholar; Latindex - Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - ACCESS; Journal TOCs - ACCESS; MIAR - Information Matrix for Magazine Analysis - ACCESS; REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - ACCESS; OCLC WorldCat - ACCESS; Scilit - ACCESS; URBiS Library NetworkACCESS; NOVA University Lisbon - ACCESS; Imperial College LondonACCESS; ERIH PLUS - ACESSO; ICI World of Journals -ACESSO; Sharp RomeoACCESS; B-on; OpenAIRE - ACCESS; OUCI - ACCESS; BASE - ACCESS, CITEFACTOR - ACCESS, CAPES - ACCESS.

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The purpose of the review is to help authors improve the quality of their work by providing constructive and timely evaluations prepared by experienced academics. Herança considers the evaluation process a fundamental step for the improvement of the articles. For this reason, Herança reviewers are encouraged to present, in addition to their opinion regarding the publication, suggestions for improvement regarding the content and form of the text.

The evaluation process of articles submitted to Herança includes the following steps:

  1. The texts are submitted by the authors on the platform of the journal Herança;
  2. Proof of receipt is sent to the authors;
  3. The Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor do a screening to check whether the manuscripts:
    1. they fall within the scope of Herança and are of sufficient quality. If the decision is favorable, two scientific reviewers are sent. The review is a blind peer review: neither the reviewer has knowledge of the authors, nor these of the scientific reviewers, or an open peer review, as this is a good practice of Open Science, allowing to increase transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the review process.
    2. they fall within the scope of the Herança journal and are of sufficient quality. If this condition is not met, they will be refused;
    3. comply with formal requirements. If this condition is not observed, they are returned for modification;
  1. If the situation described in 3.3. is verified, the reviewers have 5 working days to accept or refuse the review;
  2. If they agree to carry out the review, they undertake to complete it within one month by filling in the respective review form.



Herança – History, Heritage and Culture Journal is a scientific publication of Immediate and Free Open Access through the Internet, so it can be consulted without restrictions. That is, any user can freely access, at no cost, at any time and without any restrictions on content in electronic format. The Herança also allows the search and reuse of content, both manually and with the use of automatic instruments, if the reuse is object of correct attribution of authorship and origin.



ISSN (online): 2184-3090

ERC: 127195

Frequency: Semiannual

Ownership: Ponte Editora, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.


Support: nothing to declare.