EDITORIAL STATUS of Herança – History, Heritage and Culture Journal


IHerança – History, Heritage and Culture Journal, also known for its abbreviated forms of Herança, is a periodical publication. Publisher's Property: Ponteditora.

IIHerança is dedicated to the plurality of themes involving History, Heritage, material and immaterial, and Culture.

IIIHerança's editorial line publishes unpublished texts dedicated to scientific research and such as Archeology, Architecture, Art History, Conservation and Restoration, Management and Cultural Studies, among others.

IV – Herança’s mission is to promote science in Portuguese and to stimulate research and the elaboration of studies and essays in the community of Portuguese-speaking countries and Portuguese-speaking Diaspora countries.

VHerança is published every six months, online, in Portuguese and English, and is disseminated throughout the world through the Internet.

VI – The Herança will have approximately 80 to 180 pages.

VII - Herança is, from its genesis to the present, published in the online version.

VIII – The Herança is intended for teachers, researchers, students and professionals, national or foreign.

IXHerança presents a technical and scientific editorial board, open to academics, researchers and professionals from various organizations and companies related to cultural and historical research.

XHerança publishes academic and scientific, original and review articles, as well as essays and reviews.

XI- The approval of manuscripts for publication is regulated by criteria of relevance, interest, scientific quality and respect for the plurality of perspectives. Herança assumes itself as independent of any political, ideological or economic power, and is guided by criteria of rigor, exemption and inclusion.

XII Herança publishes in Portuguese as well as in English. Each article includes the title, abstract and keywords in both languages.

XIII - Herança journal edits regular numbers and special numbers, entrusted to accredited researchers in their respective fields of expertise (guidelines for reviewers), under the scrutiny and approval of the Editorial Team. All collaboration is subjected to a demanding selection and review process based on scientific arbitration in two ways, by blind or peer and open peer review.

XIV – Aiming at the highest standards of ethics in publishing, the Herança Editorial Team inspires its Code of Ethics in the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, Committee for Ethics in Publications, March 2011 version). This code defines the responsibilities of all parties involved in the Herança publication act.

XV Herança journal intends to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and projects between authors and editors, contributing to historical, cultural and heritage reflection and to its connection with society.

XVI - Herança journal makes available the Standards for presentation and publication of articles and an annual list of reviewers that collaborate in the scientific arbitration of the manuscripts.

XVII - The Editorial team of the Herança journal is committed to ensuring respect for the ethical principles and professional ethics of journalists, as well as for the good faith of readers, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 17 of the Press Law.


The constant search for high quality and rigor translates into the inclusion of the Herança Journal bases of indexing international standards, such as: Scopus - ACCESS; Web Of Science - ACCESS; DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals - ACCESS; Crossref - ACCESS; Directory of Research Journals Indexing - ACCESS; Google Scholar; Latindex - Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - ACCESS; Journal TOCs - ACCESS; MIAR - Information Matrix for Magazine Analysis - ACCESS; REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - ACCESS; OCLC WorldCat - ACCESS; Scilit - ACCESS; URBiS Library NetworkACCESS; NOVA University Lisbon - ACCESS; Imperial College LondonACCESSSharp RomeoACCESS; B-on; OpenAIRE - ACCESS; OUCI - ACCESS; BASE - ACCESS; CITEFACTOR - ACESSO, CAPES - ACCESS.


The Herança Journal is registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).



The Editor-in-Chief of the Herança Journal,

Isabel Cruz Lousada