Integrating Cultures, Enhancing Outcomes: Perceived Organizational Support and Its Impact on Chinese Expatriates' Performance in Dubai




Cultural Integration, Decent Work, Productive Employment, Well-being, Healthy Lives


This study explored how perceived organizational support influences Chinese expatriates' working performance in Dubai. By exploring the factors that impact Chinese expatriation working performance under the theories of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the research aimed to assist Chinese MNCs (multinational corporations) managers and human resources to make appropriate decisions by integrating into local society more effectively. A quantitative study was used in this research to seek solutions to make up for deficiencies during their work, which was related to the management field based on the questionnaire method. The study proposed and evaluated the mediating effect of perceived organizational support measures in Chinese MNCs, using a survey of Chinese companies in Dubai. The research targeted the total population of Chinese expatriates in Dubai, with the sampling frame being the entire list of individuals in this population. A convenience sampling method was used, with 50 participants answering questions related to the six dimensions of Hofstede’s cultural theory, perceived organizational support, and expatriates' performance. Smart-PLS software was utilized to gain deeper insights into the studied phenomenon and its influencing factors. The results revealed that perceived organizational support mediated between long-term orientation and the working performance of Chinese expatriates in Dubai. By bolstering long-term orientation support, organizations can enhance the adjustment and performance of their Chinese expatriates in Dubai.


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How to Cite

Chen, W., Vasudevan, A., Al- Daoud, K. I., Shelash Mohammad, S. I., Arumugam, V., Manoharan, T., & Foong, W. S. (2024). Integrating Cultures, Enhancing Outcomes: Perceived Organizational Support and Its Impact on Chinese Expatriates’ Performance in Dubai. Herança, 7(3), 25–39.



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