Systematic Review on the Use of Biodegradable Materials as a Sustainable Building Strategy: Adobe and Tapial
Earthen Architecture, Vernacular Architecture, Sustainable Building, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Construction; Sustainable DesignAbstract
Over the last two decades, earth construction techniques have gained attention as solutions to challenges in the construction sector, driven by the need for more housing due to population growth and rising welfare, alongside the urgent need to address global warming and biodiversity loss. This has led to a deeper understanding and modernization of traditional methods, such as those used in the construction of the Arg-é Bam citadel, the world’s largest molded mud building. This article explores the advantages of using biodegradable materials as a sustainable design strategy, focusing on two ancient construction systems—Adobe and Tapia—both deeply connected to the environment and ecology. A systematic review of scientific articles published between 2016 and 2021, mainly from European and South American countries, was conducted. The analysis reveals that despite its many benefits, such as low environmental impact and resilience against extreme weather events, earthen construction remains a niche market. It offers an architecture that balances safety, sustainability, and ecology but is often perceived as exclusive to either the very wealthy or the very poor.
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