Divorce? : Andradina de Oliveira and the transgressive voice at the turn of the 19th- 20th century
Literature, Female authorship, Patriarchy, Institucional Power, History, Women´ s historyAbstract
This paper seeks to present the thesis novel Divórcio? written by Andradina de Oliveira, from Rio Grande do Sul, who brought up the theme in 1912. The narrative brings to the center of the debate doctrinal-moralis tic values that involve unsuccessful marriages in Brazilian society, imposed to preserve the position of elite families. The affective losses, discrimination, and oppression in the context of patriarchy are highlighted, which allows women the regeneration of sinful Eve as a redemptive image in the constitution of society at the time. The importance of re covering th is work is due to the relevance of the struggle for rights that are on the agenda in today's society, where discourses of a return to more traditional patterns reappear.
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