Archaeology of Architecture, Bastion Fortress, 1755 Earthquake, Algarve, Military Archaeology, History, CultureAbstract
The Fortress of Santa Catarina de Ribamar, in Portimão, was built at the beginning of the 17th century, to provide security to the local population. Threats from pirates and privateers were constant. Although its construction is solid, following the norms of bastioned architecture, when it reaches the 18th century, it is faced with three significant earthquakes. In 1719, 1722, and 1755, the best known of all earthquakes, the fortress was buffeted by the forces of nature, and was still submerged by the 1755 tsunami. The earthquakes caused the partial ruin of the structure. It was not until 1758 and 1794 that the fortress was repaired, enabling the captain and soldiers to live and actively defend the right bank of the river. In 2020, due to a photogrammetric survey of the structure, and the need to study the defensive system for future requalification, a study from the perspective of the Archaeology of Architecture was seen as necessary. The 18th century left marks on the structure, allowed the evolution of spaces and the fixation of new entities. This article intends to make known these changes. In 1719, in 1722, and in 1755, the best known of all earthquakes, the fortress was buffeted by the forces of nature, and was still submerged by the 1755 tsunami. The earthquakes caused the partial ruin of the structure. It was not until 1758 and 1794 that the fortress was repaired, enabling the captain and soldiers to live and actively defend the right bank of the river. In 2020, due to a photogrammetric survey of the structure, and the need to study the defensive system for future requalification, a study from the perspective of the Archaeology of Architecture was seen as necessary. The 18th century left marks on the structure, allowed the evolution of spaces and the fixation of new entities. This article intends to make known these changes.
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Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil:
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