Context and Content Analysis of the History of Female Composition in Eastern Galicia in Light of Gender Theories




Musical Creativity, Female Composition, Ukrainian Music, Musical Professionalism, Gender Issue


For a long time, the profession of the composer was undeservedly on the periphery of the world of music and was considered not only few in terms of female representation in performance, music education and musicology, but also low-value and not worth discussing. The relevance of the article is due to the rethinking of the attitude towards female composers, including in the light of gender ideas. It is necessary to research the stories of the life and work of Ukrainian female composers from Eastern Galicia, S. Turkevich and O. Olshanetska, in order to fully return their figures to the national musical space, both in the performance and research spheres. The purpose of the article is to highlight the stories of the creative achievements of Galician female musicians. In the course of the research, the works of music critics, historians and psychologists related to the topic were analyzed. Content analysis and context analysis (biographical method), as well as analytical method, methods of comparison and systematization were chosen as the main research methods. As a result, it was established that due to ethnic gender stereotypes, gender-professional prejudices and socio-cultural features of the society of Eastern Galicia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the creativity of the mentioned female composers did not gain the necessary publicity. Despite the fact that female musicians had the opportunity to get an education and engage in creativity, the Ukrainian-Galician musical elite belittled their achievements compared to their male colleagues. While women's writing in Galicia developed rapidly and caused a public outcry, despite the innovation and boldness of ideas, traditional views on the gender issue continued to prevail in the musical sphere. Thus, the achievements of S. Turkevich went beyond the boundaries of traditionality as "too ambitious", while the works of O. Olshanetska did not have actual support for publication. The practical significance of the study is that it helps to demonstrate the influence of the socio-cultural context and stereotypes on the development of women's creativity in the musical sphere and to change the modern attitude towards them by increasing their recognition.


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How to Cite

Maychyk, O., Frait, O., Slyusar, T., Katrych, O., & Harhay, O. (2023). Context and Content Analysis of the History of Female Composition in Eastern Galicia in Light of Gender Theories. Herança, 7(1), 33–43.



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