The Existential Aspect of Ageing: To the Problem of Determining Gerontological Points of Text Poetics (Based on the Ukrainian Literature of the 19th-20th Centuries)
Existential Aspect of Ageing, Literary Gerontology, Text Poetics, Ukrainian Modernist Literature, Artistic ConceptualizationAbstract
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the requirement to clarify understanding of the subject of literary gerontology and specificity of artistic representation of gerontological meanings considering the growing popularity of this area in Ukraine, its focus on (re)interpretation of artistic texts of the past and present in anthropological modus. To reveal the central role of the existential aspect of ageing in the content structure of literary gerontology and the specifics of artistic implementation of existential aspect, in particular, its determinism by (non)literary parameters of the author's conscience. While exploring the existential aspect of aging in Ukrainian literature, it was utilized a blend of interdisciplinary techniques (such as myth criticism, psychoanalysis, and gender analysis) and traditional literary methods (like structural-typological, comparative, and semiotic analyses). Results show that literary gerontology in Ukrainian literature from the 19th-20th century transition primarily depicted aging through external narratives, with a significant emphasis on female experiences and altered maternal archetypes. The study defines the role of the existential aspect of ageing as the main determinant of gerontological orientation of the artistic text. The findings not only expand the theoretical basis of literary gerontology, reveal mechanisms of formal and textual structurization, and its contextual interaction with society, culture, and time, but also cover the social and anthropological, individual, and psychological ageing aspects that can be used to improve the social and psychological support of older people.
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