Exploring the Quest for Identity Through Archetypal Analysis of Feminism Inspired by Asian Historical Literature Films: A Case Study of Princess Jasmine in the Movie Aladdin
Archetype, Hero's Journey, Feminism, Disney Asian FilmsAbstract
Disney films began in 1937 and often featured the typical Disney princess. However, in later years, inspired by the feminist wave, Disney decided to change the concept of the Disney princess image. Changes in the Disney princess tropes include characterization, symbolism, themes, and issues. This paper intends to adopt an eclectic approach and analyze from the perspective of feminism. Based on Princess Jasmine's the image characteristics, this paper analyzes the embodiment of the awakening, expounds the spiritual connotation of Disney princesses in different times, and further analyzes the gradual awakening of feminist consciousness in the image of Disney princesses. It also explores the relationship between Disney princess movies and the development trend of feminism from a new perspective, providing a new way to promote the development of contemporary feminism.
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