Anticipatory Time and its Types in the Novels of Watheq Chalabi: Employment and Significance
Time, Anticipation, Anticipation Functions, Types of Anticipation, Expected Anticipation, Unexpected Anticipation, Wathiq ChalabiAbstract
The study selected the subject of anticipatory time and its types in the narratives of Watheq Chalabi - employment and significance - an analytical and descriptive study, envisaging the relative knowledge of mastery of the element of time in the achievement of this writer, and then stand on how adopted by this creator in the semantic employment of retrospective time.
Based on that, the aim of the research was to stand on the experience of the Iraqi narrative, and the standard dealing and control of the construction of time, taken – any study – from Wathiq Chalabi narrative model as a sample of the research, and must be noted to the reason for the choice as a creative pen characterized by literary comprehensiveness, as well as his style in the field of narrative, and this is what was stated by a number of critics such as Juma Abdullah and Mahmoud Al-Hashemi, they find him with a different style from many, because in many of his literary writing he sexualizes between poetry and prose in his narrative with the tyranny of the tendency of suspense in his achievement, because of his narrative skill and mastery of the smooth artistic weaving, in addition to that the depth of what he writes and the polarization of the intellectual and historical side in many of his works; The Hashemite critic also said about him: "He invented for himself a special style of writing in what he deals with".
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