From “exhibition” To “laboratory”: Rethinking curatorial practices through a digital experimental project. The case study of #Dolomitesmuseum - laboratory of stories
Digital Curation, Digital Storytelling, Collaborative Design, Digital Heritage, Community StoriesAbstract
Digital curation is one of the most experimental areas of museum practice introduced by the digital revolution. A whole new generation of cultural experiences are emerging from the interaction with online spaces and social media platforms, encouraging museums to explore new curatorial approaches. In this paper, we will show how a digital experimental project led to the rethinking of the exhibition format into a more collaborative, interdisciplinary and laboratory approach to museum curation. The case study analysed is Laboratory of Stories, a dynamic participatory archive which was co-designed with a vibrant community of heritage professionals, local communities, and lovers of the Dolomites during a three-year project. An evaluation study combining different qualitative and quantitative methods was implemented to explore the nature of this curatorial practice. A series of key findings emerged from the study: the introduction of new narrative styles and interdisciplinary perspectives; the involvement of different communities in the curatorial process; the shift from a tangible, object-based, to a more intangible, open, and dialogic interpretation of heritage and of knowledge making. The findings show how the ‘laboratory’ metaphor can help museums to embrace the challenges of a participatory, post-digital society, suggesting a novel approach where the co-creation of narratives is at the heart of the curatorial practice.
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