Liturgical choral art of Stepan Spiech
Liturgical Choral Art, Choral Music, Ukrainian Diaspora, Germany, Stepan SpiechAbstract
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that understanding the integrity of Ukrainian musical culture encourages its analysis in two manifestations – in mainland Ukraine and in the diaspora. The purpose of the study is to highlight the contribution of the composer Stepan Spiech from Germany to spiritual and canonical art since this is an understudied issue. The leading methods used in the study are historical and cultural – to consider the liturgical Ukrainian choral music of the second half of the 20th century in historical dynamics; source and textual – to identify the primary sources of the composer's works; musical and stylistic – to characterise the evolution of the musical component in the context of sacred music; personological – to develop a creative portrait of the composer. The study examines the liturgical choral art of one of the representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora – Stepan Spiech for the first time. Posting videos of the Liturgy on platforms like YouTube aligns with the use of innovative technologies in education. This could inspire further exploration of how technology can be used to enhance music education and research. The main focus of the study is on the textual analysis of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which has two volumes and its performance by Ukrainian choirs in 2021. The study develops a new scientific field – musical diaspora studies, expanding the compendium of knowledge about Ukrainian liturgical music to introduce it into textbooks for students of music institutions, include it in the repertoire of choral groups, and acquaint researchers of the world with original music.
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