Artistic Creativity and Arts Education: Exploring Traditional Chinese Cultural on Lamp Design through Cognitive Ergonomic Approach from User Interaction


Jianhai Shi
Irwan Syah Md Yusoff
Mohd Faiz Yahaya


This user-centric approach enhances the creative value and utility of light designs. User interaction has emerged as a vital element within the realms of the arts and design professions. The use of artistic elements in lamp design offers inherent value through the enhancement of aesthetic appeal, the evocation of emotional responses, and the cultivation of a sense of cultural identity and pride. The incorporation of traditional Chinese cultural elements, such as themes, symbols, colours, and materials, into lamp designs serves the purpose of expressing cultural significance and captivating spectators aesthetically. The integration of interactive elements within lamp designs has provided designers with a stimulus to explore novel concepts and generate captivating designs. The effective amalgamation of conventional aesthetics with modern allure demonstrated the capacity of the cognitive ergonomic method to connect tradition and innovation in design practices. In addition, the adoption of a user-centric design methodology contributed to the customization and enhancement of the user experience, leading to increased levels of user satisfaction with the interactive lighting. The research proposes that art educators may consider incorporating the cognitive ergonomic method into their curriculum as a means of offering students captivating and culturally significant learning opportunities. Lamp designers have the opportunity to utilise cognitive ergonomic concepts in order to develop designs that prioritise the needs and preferences of users while also considering cultural relevance. This approach aims to establish a meaningful connection between users and the lamps. Moreover, the incorporation of traditional Chinese cultural aspects exemplifies a paradigm for integrating cultural heritage into arts education initiatives.


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Shi, J., Yusoff, I. S. M., & Yahaya, M. F. (2024). Artistic Creativity and Arts Education: Exploring Traditional Chinese Cultural on Lamp Design through Cognitive Ergonomic Approach from User Interaction. Herança - Revista De História, Património E Cultura. Obtido de


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